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  • SaaS
  • Mobile app development
WasteHero Navigation: Mobile application development for optimized data-driven waste management.
Imagine a world where every piece of waste is smartly managed, reducing environmental impact. This is exactly what WasteHero company aims to achieve with its cutting-edge SaaS software.
To integrate all data and workflows into a mobile app, they contacted IvorySoft.
About the project
WasteHero is transforming waste management with its all-in-one 360° SaaS Suite. Since 2017, they’ve helped cities improve waste collection, cut down on operational time, and engage citizens with ease. WasteHero’s platform brings all data and workflows together, making it easy for employees to use up-to-date software and optimize processes for more sustainable waste collection.
Scope of work
Our main task was to develop the WasteHero Navigation App and integrate essential functionalities. We focused on improving the app’s performance and ensuring it met the needs of modern waste management.
technologies used:
React Native
Native Android+iOS
Native Android+iOS
Mapbox Maps+ Navigation SDKs
Mapbox Maps+ Navigation SDKs
Geolocation API
Modbus Client
FTP/SFTP Clients
FTP/SFTP Clients
 SerialPort API
Android SerialPort API
RFID Reader
Smart Vehicles
Mapbox Navigation
Mapbox Navigation
task 1
Optimize the app’s performance for better efficiency and user experience.
task 2
Integrate essential functionalities to support smooth waste collection management.
task 3
Develop TurnByTurn navigation with workflow integrations for accurate route guidance.
user persona
The WasteHero Navigation App is made for hardworking drivers who have been given access by their waste management companies.
These companies buy a package of features from WasteHero and can choose to add the Navigation App if they need it. Recognizing their need for simplicity and efficiency, we made sure everything in the app was easy to handle.
drivers routine
When drivers start their day, they log into the WasteHero Navigation App, hop into their assigned truck, and follow the pre-planned routes from bin to bin. The app provides turn-by-turn directions and adapts to each company’s unique workflow.It supports collaboration between multiple drivers on the same route, manages tasks for drivers, and tracks specific containers. The app guides them on where to collect waste and when to head to the depot for unloading.
Provides drivers with real-time, traffic-aware visual and verbal directions, ensuring the most efficient route.
Building WasteHero mobile app with smart solutions
Our team focused on the mobile application development integrated into the overall WasteHero system. We thoughtfully examined the tech toolbox and pulled out some pretty cool stuff.
Cross-platform development
Using React Native, we developed a cross-platform solution that ensured consistency and efficiency across iOS and Android devices. This allowed us to create a seamless user experience without needing to double the coding effort.
Platform-specific features
For more specialized functionalities, we implemented Native Android and iOS development. This means the app works smoothly and looks great on both types of devices because it’s built to play nicely with each one’s unique features.
Advanced navigation
With Mapbox Maps and Navigation SDKs, we developed our own turn-by-turn navigation system. With this integration, our developers enabled real-time traffic updates and optimized routing, providing drivers with the best possible directions.
Precise geolocation
By leveraging the Geolocation API, we enabled accurate tracking and route management. This technology allowed the app to access the device’s current location, show users the best way to go, and display where the nearest waste collection point is.
Hardware integration
We used the Android Serial Port API to make sure this app can talk directly to RFID readers through the phone’s port. With this approach, our team enabled the app to communicate directly with connected hardware so it could read tags off waste containers without breaking a sweat.
Vehicle integration
Through the Modbus Client, we integrated the app with smart vehicles. This solution allowed the app to interact with machinery that collects and processes data on collected containers and waste.
Work result
The IvorySoft team has turned the WasteHero Navigation App into a handy tool for a greener future. By collaborating closely, we’ve added some awesome features that make the app super efficient and easy to use.
checkEnabled users to get a complete overview of their daily routes.
checkImplemented real-time, traffic-optimized turn-by-turn directions.
checkAdded the functionality to submit issues for individual containers.
checkProvided users with dynamic route updates based on bin fill levels.
checkFacilitated collaboration between drivers and administrators to quickly resolve issues.
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